Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Because this can't be stressed nearly enough...


Yeah...5 weeks...not like i'm freaking out or anything or experiencing all sorts of weird and uncomfortable end of pregnancy symptoms...or extremely tired all the time yet trying to work crazy hard to horde (sp?) as much money as possible to survive during my unpaid maternity leave months...yeah unpaid because I only work 'part time' even when i work full time...because no one cares about young mothers...or old mothers...or mothers in general for that matter. Toss a dog a bone here-can't I get a subsidy? Promise to come back and sell you my soul for x amount of months/years in order to get a little money beforehand and if I don't do it you can nail my ass to the wall or my vagina for that matter, because I really wonder if it will ever work the same again...hope, but still wonder...

boy do i need to go to sleep, I think I know what TS was talking about when she decided against post midnight blogging, but that kind of felt good and I see why people do it...Later bloggers!


: said...

again...as your prior entry, this entry gets the TS triple lol...lol...lol! Yes, I highly recommend you create your own set of ‘post midnight blog’ parameters; feel free to adapt mine...lol...let's see...where to begin...vagina working the same again? mothers getting screwed? lol..this ‘comment’ may have to wait for a full out IM session...when it’s not near 1 a.m and if I haven't been clear enough on how much this entry made me laugh...lol one final time! Oh, and since I know you just sent me a txt msg and it is past midnight, why does your blog entry come up as 9 something? I think you need to check your time setting...nite nite...

Anacaona said...

lol thanks and I changed the time stamp, don't know why i had wrong for so long lol let me know when we can discuss these hush hush things cuz a girl could go crazy thinking about it by herself :-)

: said...

4 weeks 5 days!!!! Wow! ha..luv this ticker thing...lol! It doubles as my b-day countdown...lol!

: said...

only 4 weeks...3 days!!! I've got nothing better to do but harass you on this topic till you start blogging again...lol...you better call me when you are ready to pop!

FEMily! said...

That sucks about your job. There are a lot of places that would rather hire a bunch of part-time workers over a few full-time workers just so they don't have to give benefits. Just know that you have a ton of friends that are willing to help you out.

Journey_Wmn said...

wow he sure is creeping closer and closer to the finish line as the would say in church


: said...

Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Happy new life :)

hang in there babes... you'll have him in your arms in no time...