Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Place to Call Home

So I uploaded the last post before posting an entry about why the hell I'm here again. If this blog is accurate, I haven't posted in almost 3 years. I miss writing. I miss it all the time. I don't know why I don't do it more often. I could say that I don't have the time. I could say that I forget. I could say that maybe sometimes it's just too hard. It's too hard to write your truth, your reality because you can't really undo it. Sure, I can erase a post and pretend it never happened, but it did. And writing feels like being home. It's that feeling you get that washes over you and you feel still and perfect and at peace because this is my truth. My reality. My life. I want to challenge myself to write more often because I owe it to myself. Honestly, I think I have way too many thoughts in my head not to write. This blog though had always been like an open diary. I don't know if that's what I'm ready for now, but let's see. Maybe it's better to start in a new virtual space. Maybe I start here, at home. We'll see.

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